From 2015 – 2018 the City of Miami Gardens engaged the Professional Consulting Services of E.L. Waters and Company, LLC to perform its planning and zoning activities city-wide. We provided a variety of land development services to residents, businesses and the development community such as, site plan reviews, plat reviews Tentative/Final, and rezoning.
E.L. Waters and Company, LLC Planning Team has provided a variety of land development services to residents, businesses and the development community from 2015 – 2018 such as:
Administrative Variances provide a procedure for property owners to obtain minor administrative variances or waivers of regulations pertaining to setbacks, height, lot coverage, building spacing requirements, sidewalk width, and sign regulations, provided that the specified standards of this section are met. We approved a total of 15 Administrative Variances.
Residents and Businesses are required to submit a Sign Plan prior to the placement on any building or land in the City. The E.L. Waters team has reviewed and approved a total of 345 plans.
Whenever land is subdivided a plat must be recorded. E.L. Waters and Company, has reviewed and recommended approval of a total of 9 Tentative and Final Plats.
Through the Development Review Committee (DRC) Site Plan applications are reviewed for development orders or permits relative to the requirements, regulations and development standards set by the City. Our team completed 22 site plan reviews.
Residents and Businesses are encouraged to submit a Zoning Inquiry prior to the development of any land. By submitting a Zoning Inquiry an individual will know the zoning district and the types of uses allowed. E.L. Waters and Company has provided a total of 521 responses to Zoning Inquiries.
These are letters that are issued to Applicants to provide the uses permitted or not permitted in the Zoning Districts of the City. We have issued a total of 167 Zoning Verification Letters from 2015 to the present. Applicants seeking Zoning information relative to a parcel or parcels of land within the City of Miami Gardens are guided by these Zoning Verification Letters for development purposes.
Zoning Inspections are required prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy (CO) and permit completion. We completed and approved 2,256 inspections since 2015 to the present.
We performed over 90 reviews.
We processed over 2,200 requests
Because of our commitment to providing the best services to the City and its residents and business community, we have received a tremendous amount of support from residents and businesses regarding our high caliber customer service delivery. E.L. Waters and Company, LLC is pleased to provide these Consulting Planning and Zoning services to the City of Miami Gardens and will happily continue to serve the City in its’ future development activities.